
Role of Inclusion and Diversity In the Workplace

Learn how inclusion and diversity can benefit your workplace culture and bottom line. Discover the importance of fostering a diverse workforce.

Employee Engagement is all about how much your employees are invested, committed, engaged, and passionate about their jobs. Engaged employees constantly strive for betterment and growth leading to enhanced productivity, better retention, and eventually more innovation, profitability, and higher customer satisfaction. Keeping the endless benefits of effective employee engagement in mind, we can profoundly claim that inclusion and diversity have emerged as the key drivers of employee engagement in contemporary times. It has been found by Deloitte that 83% of millennials are more engaged in an inclusive company.

Diversity refers to a company's make-up and the way various identities are represented therein, whereas inclusion refers to the way these communities are assimilated into and involved in this workplace. Both are required to create a warm and inviting workplace. According to an article by, about 71% of the companies have strived to achieve a workplace with an inclusive culture with only 12% succeeding.

Why Inclusion and Diversity are Important?

Deloitte's article on diversity and inclusion stated that “A growing body of research indicates that diverse and inclusive teams outperform their peers. Companies with inclusive talent practices in hiring, promotion, development, leadership, and team management generate up to 30 percent higher revenue per employee and greater profitability than their competitors. Without a strong culture of inclusion and flexibility, the team-centric model comprising diverse individuals may not perform well.”

We are not stating anything new when we say that any environment, be it a workplace or a fun party, which warmly welcomes all communities regardless of race, gender, religion, caste, sexuality, nationality, etc. is far more preferable and comforting. Now, it’s your duty to imbibe an inclusive and warm culture into your company and reflect the very essence of efficacious teamwork. This keeps toxic culture at bay and encourages a sense of friendliness, compassion, hospitality, and unity among the employees which will ultimately translate to your organization’s success and a good reputation in the market not only among customers but also among potential employees. This can be particularly helpful for the marginalized communities who have struggled to overcome issues of exclusion to make them feel welcome. Belonging is a deep-rooted need in the human psyche and the most powerful force in engaging employees in the workplace.

As a result, working in an inclusive culture has become a goal for the modern employee who wants to be a part of a company with strong values and ethics.

It is critical that you as an employer of your organization be accepting of your employees’ entire authentic selves. And, one must feel included in that. Inclusion refers to the extent to which diverse individuals can:

a) Make use of their voice

b) Participate in group decision-making procedures.

c) Increase their influence within the group.

d) Feeling as if one belongs

You must remember that inclusion and diversity always co-exist. Your efforts at diversity won’t work without inclusion. Thus, always encourage your employees to speak their minds, listen to what they have to say, indulge in effective communication with them, and educate them so as to help them learn and grow. Make them feel valued and let them know that their contribution is essential for the company’s success.

What are the Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace?

There are quite a handful of benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and we have listed them below:

1) Revenue Growth – According to an article by McKinsey, “Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity were 21% more likely to achieve greater profits than those in the lowest quartile. “

2) Better Decision Making – Forbes says, Inclusive teams make better decisions up to 87% of the time. Teams that follow an inclusive process make decisions 2x faster with half of the meetings. Decisions made and executed by diverse teams delivered 60% better results.

3) Collaboration – According to CEB, which is now part of Gartner, employees in strongly diverse and inclusive organizations have a 26% rise in effective teamwork and an 18% increase in team performance. Furthermore, employees in companies with high diversity levels report a 7% higher intention to remain than their peers in organizations with low levels of diversity.

4) Employee Retention – Companies that have higher levels of diversity also have 22% lower turnover rates

Improving Diversity and Inclusion at workplace

There are certain things that can be done to improve inclusion and diversity. They are as follows:

1. Communication is the Key

Effective communication is an important factor in promoting inclusion and diversity at the workplace. By communicating openly and transparently, companies can create an environment where all employees feel heard and valued. This can help to build trust and understanding among team members, and foster a sense of community and belonging. Effective communication can also help to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts that may arise due to cultural or linguistic differences. 

By providing clear and concise information and being open to feedback and questions, companies can create a more inclusive and respectful workplace. In addition, using communication channels such as email, messaging apps, and video conferencing can help to ensure that all team members have equal access to information and can participate in discussions, regardless of their location or availability.

2. Conduct Surveys

Surveys can be an effective tool for improving inclusion and diversity at the workplace in several ways. Surveys can help to gather data and insights on the experiences and perspectives of employees from a variety of backgrounds. This information can be used to identify areas where the company can improve its inclusivity and diversity efforts.

Surveys can be used to measure the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion initiatives. By asking employees about their experiences and perceptions of the company's efforts, it is possible to get a sense of whether these initiatives are making a positive impact. Surveys can be used to gauge the overall level of inclusion and diversity within the company. By asking employees about their experiences of discrimination or exclusion, it is possible to get a sense of the company's culture and identify areas where improvements are needed. eNPS and Pulse surveys are excellent for increasing employee engagement and recognizing their sentiments. Responding to their concerns will help to engage those groups and establish a more inclusive environment.

3. Discuss Your Company Goals

By clearly communicating the company's goals and values, employees can gain a better understanding of what is expected of them and how they can contribute to the success of the company. This can help to create a sense of shared purpose and foster a sense of belonging among team members. Sharing company goals can help to create a sense of transparency and trust within the organization. When employees understand the direction in which the company is heading and the priorities that are driving its decision making, they are more likely to feel included and engaged in the company's success.

Discussing company goals can help to create a sense of accountability and responsibility among employees. When people understand how their work fits into the larger goals of the company, they are more likely to take ownership of their tasks and contribute to the success of the organization.

4. Inclusive Recruitment

By actively seeking out and considering candidates from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, companies can build a more diverse workforce. This can bring a wider range of perspectives and ideas to the table, which can lead to more innovative and effective solutions to business challenges.

Inclusive recruitment practices can help to create a more inclusive culture at the company. By demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusivity through the hiring process, companies can send a message to all employees that they are valued and respected. Inclusive recruitment practices can help to improve employee satisfaction and retention. Employees are more likely to feel valued and supported when they see themselves reflected in the workplace, and this can help to create a more positive and supportive work environment.


Inclusion and diversity at the workplace are important for a number of reasons. A diverse and inclusive workforce can bring a wider range of perspectives and experiences to the table, which can lead to more innovative and effective solutions to business challenges.

Inclusion and diversity can also improve employee satisfaction and retention, as people are more likely to feel valued and supported when they see themselves reflected in the workplace. In addition, a diverse and inclusive workplace can improve a company's reputation and appeal to customers, as it shows that the company values and respects people of all backgrounds.

To promote inclusion and diversity at the workplace, it is important for companies to have policies and practices in place to support and encourage diversity. This may include offering diversity training, implementing fair hiring and promotion practices, and creating a culture of acceptance and inclusivity. They are important for the success and well-being of both individual employees and the company as a whole.